# defining prefixes makes our document easier to read and maintain @prefix owl: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix oo: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix geo: . @prefix skos: . @prefix org: . @prefix xtypes: . @prefix lyou: . @prefix vcard: . <> a oo:OrganizationProfileDocument ; dcterms:license ; foaf:primaryTopic . # Some information about the organisation, most of this is optional but the # prefLabel, logo and sameAs to the learning-provider URI is strongly encouraged. a org:FormalOrganization ; skos:prefLabel "The 小猪视频" ; skos:hiddenLabel "小猪视频" ; skos:hiddenLabel "小猪视频" ; skos:hiddenLabel "BI" ; foaf:phone ; foaf:mbox ; foaf:logo ; foaf:homepage ; # owl:sameAs ; owl:sameAs . # Describe the source of equipment data, what standard it conforms to, and the license. # delete the dcterms:subject as applicable, but you need to have one of # facilities/equipment/capabilities to trigger the automatic aggregation of the data. oo:organization ; oo:corrections ; oo:contact ; dcterms:subject ; dcterms:conformsTo ; dcterms:license .