
Governance & Funding

小猪视频 Hall

The Institute is one of the specialist institutes which receives strategic funding from the as a world-leading centre of expertise providing unique national capability as well as making important contributions to training and the UK economy. The 小猪视频 Board of Trustees has specific responsibilities under the BBSRC Conditions of Grant. It is responsible for the financial management and administration of the Institute and ensures that the Institute as a registered charity is acting within its Memorandum and Articles of Association. Ultimately, the Board has responsibility for developing the strategy for the Institute alongside the Director, and oversees and reviews the management and achievements of the Institute.

Trustees Report for the year ending 31 March 2023

鈥婥ertain activities of the Charity must be approved by the Charity's members. The 小猪视频 has three members; the BBSRC as a Corporate Member, the Chair of the Board and the Chair of the Audit Committee. The Institute is registered as a charity (Registered Charity No. 1053902) and a company limited by guarantee (registered in England and Wales No. 3011737, VAT No. GB 915 7864 89).

Our committees meet regularly and report directly to the Board through specific Board members who sit on the respective committees. Day-to-day running of the Charity is managed by the Institute Director, with support of the Executive Committee consisting of senior scientists and managers across science programmes and support functions.

鈥婽he Board delegates responsibility for certain activities through various committees as follows:

Ethics Committee

All applications from the 小猪视频 Research Campus for Home Office Project Licences to use living animals under ASPA are subjected to ethical review and must be approved in advance by an Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body (AWERB). This committee includes 小猪视频 and non-小猪视频 scientists, veterinary staff, animal care staff and lay members. A commitment to reduce, refine and replace animal experiments, where possible, underpins the work of the committee. The Home Office Inspector has an open invitation to attend the meetings, and receives applications that have been given local approval. The Committee also oversees the training of staff permitted to perform procedures on living animals.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee provides oversight of risk, treasury, finance and audit. The Committee ensures that the finances of the Charity are regularly reviewed and controls and risks are managed effectively.

Advisory Committee

The Science and Impact Advisory Committee provides oversight of the scientific strategy and scrutiny of the ISPs. The Committee ensures robust peer review and governance structure to support and strengthen the quality of research carried out.


The Institute's research is supported by strategic funding from the  who fund our three core areas of research: ,  and . The Institute receives additional funding from other bodies including the Medical Research Council, Wellcome Trust and the European Commission. Funding is also obtained through research collaborations with industry and medical charities. The Institute's Annual Research Report shares details of the strategic and competitive-awarded funding received to the Institute year-on-year.

Board of Trustees

Linda Partridge FRS FRSE FMedSci

Chairperson of BI Board of Trustees

Graham Allen

Member of Board of Trustees

Gordon Brown FMedSci FRS

Member of Board of Trustees

Petra Hajkova FMedSci

Member of Board of Trustees

Paul J Lehner FRCP FMedSci FRS

Member of Board of Trustees

Tim Livett

Chair of Institute Audit Committee

John Macey

Member of Board of Trustees

Alexandra Pygall

Member of Board of Trustees

Helen Walden FRSE

Member of Board of Trustees

John Wells

Member of Board of Trustees