

Research Features

Our research features take a more in-depth look at selected aspects of our research and the wider impacts of our science for the wider world. Browse all of these articles in the reader window below or access specific features directly from the introductions further down the page. These features were originally produced as part of our Annual Research Reports.


Promoter Capture Hi-C: from academic tool to 拢1.5M startup

This feature was written by Becky Allen for the Annual Research Report 2019-2020.

Fundamental research is vital for science and society. Many medical and technological revolutions are rooted in basic research, yet those roots can be hard to trace. Today, spinouts are key to turning academic bioscience into healthcare treatments. Dr Stefan Schoenfelder, a group leader in the Institute鈥檚 Epigenetics programme and co-founder of Enhanc3D Genomics, discusses taking a tool developed for fundamental research and building a business around it.


The Sounds of the Genome

This feature was written by Becky Allen for the Annual Research Report 2017

The Institute does world-leading research, and using public engagement to enthuse, excite and inspire is a key part of our mission. This year, we teamed up with two innovative artists to transform our data into a virtual reality experience. The result, CHROMOS, is allowing new audiences to discover the DNA drama that goes on inside the nucleus of a single cell.