

Research Features

Our research features take a more in-depth look at selected aspects of our research and the wider impacts of our science for the wider world. Browse all of these articles in the reader window below or access specific features directly from the introductions further down the page. These features were originally produced as part of our Annual Research Reports.


Responding to the COVID crisis

This feature was written by Becky Allen for the Annual Research Report 2019-2020.

As well as exposing weaknesses in healthcare systems and supply chains, the coronavirus pandemic has underscored the importance of fundamental research and collective effort. During 2020, scientists rose to the challenge of developing new vaccines and effective treatments for Covid-19. Institute immunologists Dr Michelle Linterman and Professor Adrian Liston describe how their labs responded and the lessons we must learn.


Vaccinations: a Global Challenge

This feature was written by Becky Allen for the Annual Research Report 2017

The Institute鈥檚 research is having a major impact on global public health. Although the first vaccines were developed more than two centuries ago, infectious diseases such as malaria and influenza still affect millions of people each year. By improving our understanding of the immune system and its response to modern vaccines, the Institute is paving the way for better vaccines that will protect more people from life-threatening diseases.