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B盲ckman-Petersson E, Miller JR, Hollyoake M, Aguado B, Butcher GW Immunology

A novel receptor, named 1C7 or NKp30 and involved in natural cytotoxicity, was recently identified. This receptor is encoded by the 1C7 gene, which is located within the class III region of the human MHC, HLA. It is a member of the immunoglobulin gene superfamily (IgSF) and, remarkably, is expressed at the mRNA level as six different splice variants in human. Recent investigations have indicated that the 1c7 gene of the mouse is silenced by in-frame stop codons. In this study, the molecular characterization of the rat 1c7 gene is described. cDNA derived from this gene encode a protein of 192 amino acid residues predicted to contain a single IgV-set domain in the extracellular region and a positively charged residue in the transmembrane region. Expression of the gene was detected in freshly isolated rat Natural Killer (NK) and T splenocytes. Transfection of rat 1C7 into the NK cell line RNK-16 induced cytolytic activity against glioma as well as lymphoma tumor cells. In addition, binding of a r1C7-Fc fusion protein by a panel of target cells correlated with susceptibility to killing by RNK-16-1C7 effector cells. These results indicate that the r1C7 molecule could function as an NK activating receptor as previously reported for the human NKp30 receptor molecule.

+view abstract European journal of immunology, PMID: 12548565 2003

Vigorito E, Billadeu DD, Savoy D, McAdam S, Doody G, Fort P, Turner M Immunology

RhoG, a member of the Rho family of GTPases, has been implicated as a regulator of the actin cytoskeleton. In this study, we show a novel function for the small GTPase RhoG on the regulation of the interferon-gamma promoter and nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) gene transcription in lymphocytes. Optimal function of RhoG for the expression of these genes requires a calcium signal, normally provided by the antigen receptor. In addition, RhoG potentiation of NFAT requires the indirect activity of Rac and Cdc42; however, pathways distinct from those activated by Rac and Cdc42 mediate RhoG activation of NFAT-dependent transcription. Using effector domain mutants of RhoG we found that its ability to potentiate NFAT-dependent transcription correlates with its capacity to increase actin polymerization, supporting the suggestion that NFAT-dependent transcription is an actin-dependent process. RhoG also promotes T-cell spreading on fibronectin, a property that is independent of its ability to enhance NFAT-dependent transcription. Hence, these results implicate RhoG in leukocyte trafficking and the control of gene expression induced in response to antigen encounter.

+view abstract Oncogene, PMID: 12545154 2003

HM Chatwin, JE Rudling, D Patel, V Reale, PD Evans

The cloned Drosophila octopamine/tyramine receptor can be coupled to second messenger pathways in an agonist-specific fashion by the endogenously occurring biogenic amines, octopamine and tyramine, when expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells. We have mutated to alanine a range of receptor amino acids that could potentially form hydrogen bonds with the beta-hydroxyl group of octopamine based on homologies with alpha- and beta-adrenergic receptor subtypes. After stable expression of the mutant receptors in CHO cells we have compared the ability of octopamine and tyramine to displace [(3)H]yohimbine binding to membrane fractions from the mutant cell lines with their ability to modulate adenylyl cyclase activity in intact cells. The results suggest that none of the mutated amino acids residues, at least in isolation, are likely to be involved in interactions with the beta-hydroxyl group of the octopamine side chain. It is possible that amino acids not mutated in the present study are somehow involved in this interaction. Alternatively, it is also possible that the beta-hydroxyl group of the octopamine side chain is capable of interacting with more than one of the amino acids mutated in the present study.

+view abstract Insect biochemistry and molecular biology, PMID: 12535676 2003

Rudolph MG, Stevens J, Speir JA, Trowsdale J, Butcher GW, Joly E, Wilson IA Immunology

Antigenic peptides are loaded onto class I MHC molecules in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by a complex consisting of the MHC class I heavy chain, beta(2)-microglobulin, calreticulin, tapasin, Erp57 (ER60) and the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP). While most mammalian species transport these peptides into the ER via a single allele of TAP, rats have evolved different TAPs, TAP-A and TAP-B, that are present in different inbred strains. Each TAP delivers a different spectrum of peptides and is associated genetically with distinct subsets of MHC class Ia alleles, but the molecular basis for the conservation (or co-evolution) of the two transporter alleles is unknown. We have determined the crystal structures of a representative of each MHC subset, viz RT1-A(a) and RT1-A1(c), in association with high-affinity nonamer peptides. The structures reveal how the chemical properties of the two different rat MHC F-pockets match those of the corresponding C termini of the peptides, corroborating biochemical data on the rates of peptide-MHC complex assembly. An unusual sequence in RT1-A1(c) leads to a major deviation from the highly conserved beta(3)/alpha(1) loop (residues 40-59) conformation in mouse and human MHC class I structures. This loop change contributes to profound changes in the shape of the A-pocket in the peptide-binding groove and may explain the function of RT1-A1(c) as an inhibitory natural killer cell ligand.

+view abstract Journal of molecular biology, PMID: 12470953 2002

Open Access
RC Landis, DR Yagnik, O Florey, P Philippidis, V Emons, JC Mason, DO Haskard Signalling

Although monosodium urate monohydrate (MSU) crystals have been recognized since the 18th century as the etiologic agent of gout, it is still unknown why certain hyperuricemic individuals remain asymptomatic, and how an acute attack of gout spontaneously resolves. We hypothesized that mononuclear phagocytes hold the key to these questions, and that the state of monocyte/macrophage differentiation is critical.

+view abstract Arthritis and rheumatism, PMID: 12428246 2002

D Carter, L Chakalova, CS Osborne, YF Dai, P Fraser

Communication between distal chromosomal elements is essential for control of many nuclear processes. For example, genes in higher eukaryotes often require distant enhancer sequences for high-level expression. The mechanisms proposed for long-range enhancer action fall into two basic categories. Non-contact models propose that enhancers act at a distance to create a favorable environment for gene transcription, or act as entry sites or nucleation points for factors that ultimately communicate with the gene. Contact models propose that communication occurs through direct interaction between the distant enhancer and the gene by various mechanisms that 'loop out' the intervening sequences. Although much attention has focused on contact models, the existence and nature of long-range interactions is still controversial and speculative, as there is no direct evidence that distant sequences physically interact in vivo. Here, we report the development of a widely applicable in situ technique to tag and recover chromatin in the immediate vicinity of an actively transcribed gene. We show that the classical enhancer element, HS2 of the prototypical locus control region (LCR) of the beta-globin gene cluster, is in close physical proximity to an actively transcribed HBB (beta-globin) gene located over 50 kb away in vivo, suggesting a direct regulatory interaction. The results give unprecedented insight into the in vivo structure of the LCR-gene interface and provide the first direct evidence of long-range enhancer communication.

+view abstract Nature genetics, PMID: 12426570 2002

Open Access
Pearce AC, Wilde JI, Doody GM, Best D, Inoue O, Vigorito E, Tybulewicz VL, Turner M, Watson SP Immunology

We have investigated the role of the Rho and Rac family small guanine triphosphate (GTP) exchange factors (RhoGEFs), Vav1 and Vav2, in the activation of platelets by the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-coupled collagen receptor GPVI and by the G protein-coupled receptor agonist thrombin. The glycoprotein VI (GPVI)-specific agonist collagen-related peptide (CRP) and thrombin stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of Vav1 but not Vav2 in human platelets. Surprisingly, however, CRP did not activate the low-molecular-weight G protein Rac and stimulated only a small increase in activity of p21-associated kinase 2 (PAK2), despite the fact that both proteins are regulated downstream of Vav1 in other cells. Further, activation of Rac and PAK2 by thrombin was maintained in platelets from mice deficient in Vav1. Activation of phospholipase C (PLC) by GPVI and thrombin was unaltered in Vav1-, Vav2-, and Vav1/Vav2-deficient platelets. A weak inhibition of late-stage aggregation to CRP and thrombin was observed in platelets deficient in Vav1 but not Vav2, whereas spreading on fibrinogen was not changed. The present results demonstrate that neither Vav1 nor Vav2 lie upstream of PLC or Rac in platelets, highlighting an important difference in their role in signaling by ITAM-coupled receptors in other cell types. The present study has provided evidence for a possible role of Vav1 but not Vav2 in the later stages of platelet aggregation.

+view abstract Blood, PMID: 12411320 2002

Open Access
David DC, Layfield R, Serpell L, Narain Y, Goedert M, Spillantini MG Signalling

Filamentous inclusions composed of the microtubule-associated protein tau are a defining characteristic of a large number of neurodegenerative diseases. Here we show that tau degradation in stably transfected and non-transfected SH-SY5Y cells is blocked by the irreversible proteasome inhibitor lactacystin. Further, we find that in vitro, natively unfolded tau can be directly processed by the 20S proteasome without a requirement for ubiquitylation, and that a highly reproducible pattern of degradation intermediates is readily detectable during this process. Analysis of these intermediates shows that 20S proteasomal processing of tau is bi-directional, proceeding from both N- and C-termini, and that populations of relatively stable intermediates arise probably because of less efficient digestion of the C-terminal repeat region. Our results are consistent with an in vivo role for the proteasome in tau degradation and support the existence of ubiquitin-independent pathways for the proteasomal degradation of unfolded proteins.

+view abstract Journal of neurochemistry, PMID: 12358741

Open Access
Clayton E, Bardi G, Bell SE, Chantry D, Downes CP, Gray A, Humphries LA, Rawlings D, Reynolds H, Vigorito E, Turner M Immunology

Mice lacking the p110delta catalytic subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase have reduced numbers of B1 and marginal zone B cells, reduced levels of serum immunoglobulins, respond poorly to immunization with type II thymus-independent antigen, and are defective in their primary and secondary responses to thymus-dependent antigen. p110delta(-/-) B cells proliferate poorly in response to B cell receptor (BCR) or CD40 signals in vitro, fail to activate protein kinase B, and are prone to apoptosis. p110delta function is required for BCR-mediated calcium flux, activation of phosphlipaseCgamma2, and Bruton's tyrosine kinase. Thus, p110delta plays a critical role in B cell homeostasis and function.

+view abstract The Journal of experimental medicine, PMID: 12235209 2002

Broad KD, Hinton MR, Keverne EB, Kendrick KM

Sheep form an olfactory recognition memory for their lambs within 2 h of parturition and will subsequently reject the approaches of any strange lamb and protest vocally. In this study we report that following olfactory memory formation, ewes exposed to either their own or a strange lamb show c-fos mRNA expression in the medial frontal cortex, although levels of expression in the pyramidal output cell layer V were significantly higher in ewes that rejected strange lambs. Reversibly inactivating this region by the retrodialysis of the anaesthetic tetracaine before birth reduced aggressive motor responses towards lambs but not protest vocalisations. Similar treatment during the critical period for olfactory memory formation and lamb recognition (0-4 h post-partum) had no effect on ewes maternal behaviour towards their own lambs. It did, however, prevent the normal selective expression of aggressive rejection, and reduced protest vocalisation behaviours directed towards strange lambs. These rejection behaviours did appear 1 h after the termination of tetracaine infusions despite the ewes not being given the opportunity to interact with their own lambs during this time. Therefore, tetracaine blockade of the medial frontal cortex prevents animals from responding with motor aggression, but not vocal aggression, to odour cues from strange lambs, but has no effect on the formation of an olfactory recognition memory for their own lambs. Both pre- and post-partum aggressive rejection of strange lambs was associated with increased concentrations of dopamine, serotonin, glutamate and GABA. When these behaviours were inhibited by the tetracaine infusions, extracellular concentrations of these neurotransmitters were all increased by the anaesthetic but did not change in response to lambs. These findings suggest that a functional medial frontal cortex is not required for the formation of an olfactory recognition memory or for mediating pro-active maternal behaviours. It is however required for the mediation of motor but not vocal aspects of aggressive rejection responses directed towards aversive odour cues from strange lambs.

+view abstract Neuroscience, PMID: 12220573

PM Taylor, RJ Woodfield, MN Hodgkin, TR Pettitt, A Martin, DJ Kerr, MJ Wakelam Signalling

Metalloproteinases (MMP) produced by both cancer and normal stromal fibroblast cells play a critical role in the metastatic spread of tumours, however little is known of the regulation of their release. In this report we demonstrate that breast cancer cells in culture release apparently full length soluble EMMPRIN that promotes the release of pro-MMP2 from fibroblasts. The generation of MMP2 is mediated by activation of phospholipase A(2) and 5-lipoxygenase. These results suggest that the production of soluble EMMPRIN, phospholipase A(2) and 5-lipoxygenase activities are sites for potential therapeutic intervention.

+view abstract Oncogene, PMID: 12173047 2002

Turner M, Billadeau DD Immunology

In recent years, substantial progress has been made towards the identification of intracellular signalling molecules that couple multi-subunit immune-recognition receptors (MIRRs) to their various effector functions. Among these, the VAV proteins have been observed to have a crucial role in regulating some of the earliest events in receptor signalling. VAV proteins function, in part, as guanine-nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) for the RHO/RAC family of GTPases. This review focuses on the role of VAV proteins in the regulation of lymphocyte development and function, and emphasizes the regulatory roles that these proteins have through both GEF-dependent and -independent mechanisms.

+view abstract Nature reviews. Immunology, PMID: 12094222 2002

Schulz BL, Oxley D, Packer NH, Karlsson NG Mass Spectrometry

Human open eye tear fluid was separated by low-percentage SDS/PAGE to detect high-molecular-mass protein components. Two bands were found with apparent molecular masses of 330 and 270 kDa respectively. By peptide-mass fingerprinting after tryptic digestion, the proteins were found to be isoforms of the DMBT1 gene product, with over 30% of the predicted protein covered by the tryptic peptides. By using gradient SDS/agarose/polyacrylamide composite gel electrophoresis and staining for glycosylation, it was shown that the two isoforms were the major high-molecular-mass glycoproteins of >200 kDa in human tear fluid. Western blotting showed that the proteins expressed sialyl-Le(a). After the release of oligosaccharides by reductive beta-elimination from protein blotted on to PVDF membrane, it was revealed by liquid chromatography-MS that the O-linked oligosaccharides were comprised mainly of highly sialylated oligosaccharides with up to 16 monosaccharide units. A majority of the oligosaccharides could be described by the formula dHex(0-->2)NeuAc(1-->)(x)Hex(x)HexNAc(x)(-ol), x=1-6, where Hex stands for hexose, dHex for deoxyhexose, HexNAc for N-acetylhexosamine and NeuAc for N-acetylneuraminate. The number of sialic acids in the formula is less than 5. Interpretation of collision-induced fragmentation tandem MS confirmed the presence of sialic acid and suggested the presence of previously undescribed structures carrying the sialyl-Le(a) epitopes. Small amounts of neutral and sulphated species were also present. This is the first time that O-linked oligosaccharides have been detected and described from protein variant of the DMBT1 gene.

+view abstract The Biochemical journal, PMID: 12015815 2002

Open Access
Welch HC, Coadwell WJ, Ellson CD, Ferguson GJ, Andrews SR, Erdjument-Bromage H, Tempst P, Hawkins PT, Stephens LR Signalling

Rac, a member of the Rho family of monomeric GTPases, is an integrator of intracellular signaling in a wide range of cellular processes. We have purified a PtdIns(3,4,5)P3-sensitive activator of Rac from neutrophil cytosol. It is an abundant, 185 kDa guanine-nucleotide exchange factor (GEF), which we cloned and named P-Rex1. The recombinant enzyme has Rac-GEF activity that is directly, substantially, and synergistically activated by PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 and Gbetagammas both in vitro and in vivo. P-Rex1 antisense oligonucleotides reduced endogenous P-Rex1 expression and C5a-stimulated reactive oxygen species formation in a neutrophil-like cell line. P-Rex1 appears to be a coincidence detector in PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 and Gbetagamma signaling pathways that is particularly adapted to function downstream of heterotrimeric G proteins in neutrophils.

+view abstract Cell, PMID: 11955434 2002

DJ Powner, MN Hodgkin, MJ Wakelam Signalling

Phospholipase D (PLD) activity can be detected in response to many agonists in most cell types; however, the pathway from receptor occupation to enzyme activation remains unclear. In vitro PLD1b activity is phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate dependent via an N-terminal PH domain and is stimulated by Rho, ARF, and PKC family proteins, combinations of which cooperatively increase this activity. Here we provide the first evidence for the in vivo regulation of PLD1b at the molecular level. Antigen stimulation of RBL-2H3 cells induces the colocalization of PLD1b with Rac1, ARF6, and PKCalpha at the plasma membrane in actin-rich structures, simultaneously with cooperatively increasing PLD activity. Activation is both specific and direct because dominant negative mutants of Rac1 and ARF6 inhibit stimulated PLD activity, and surface plasmon resonance reveals that the regulatory proteins bind directly and independently to PLD1b. This also indicates that PLD1b can concurrently interact with a member from each regulator family. Our results show that in contrast to PLD1b's translocation to the plasma membrane, PLD activation is phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase dependent. Therefore, because inactive, dominant negative GTPases do not activate PLD1b, we propose that activation results from phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent stimulation of Rac1, ARF6, and PKCalpha.

+view abstract Molecular biology of the cell, PMID: 11950936 2002

Meade J, Fernandez C, Turner M Immunology

We have analyzed the effects of deficiency in the tyrosine kinase Lyn on B cell development using transgenic mice that express a B cell antigen receptor (BCR) of defined specificity (3-83,anti-H-2K(k or b)). In the absence of Lyn, immature B cells are abundant in the bone marrow and spleen up until the T1 stage (IgM(hi) IgD(-) CD21(-)CD23(-)), after which B cell development is severely impaired. The small number of mature B cells that do develop in Lyn-deficient mice express normal levels of the transgenic BCR and lack expression of CD80 and CD86, suggesting they are not activated. In Lyn-deficient animals the presence of a Bcl-2 transgene leads to a dramatic increase in B cell numbers and restores T2 stage (IgM(hi) IgD(hi) CD21(hi) CD23(int)) and mature populations. In 3-83 lyn-/- Bcl-2 Tg mice, a population of lambda-positive cells that also express the 383 idiotype is evident, suggesting that in the absence of lyn isotype exclusion by the transgenic BCR is less efficient. The results indicate that Lyn plays a positive role in the selection and survival of mature B cells in addition to its previously documented negative role in tolerance and B cell activation.

+view abstract European journal of immunology, PMID: 11920569 2002

Colucci F, Schweighoffer E, Tomasello E, Turner M, Ortaldo JR, Vivier E, Tybulewicz VL, Di Santo JP Immunology

The intracellular signals that trigger natural cytotoxicity have not been clearly determined. The Syk and ZAP-70 tyrosine kinases are essential for cellular activation initiated by B and T cell antigen receptors and may drive natural killer (NK) cell cytotoxicity via receptors bearing immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs). However, we found that, unlike B and T cells, NK cells developed in Syk-/-ZAP-70-/- mice and, despite their nonfunctional ITAMs, lysed various tumor targets in vitro and eliminated tumor cells in vivo, including those without NKG2D ligands. The simultaneous inhibition of phosphatidyl inositol 3 kinase and Src kinases abrogated the cytolytic activity of Syk-/-ZAP-70-/- NK cells and strongly reduced that of wild-type NK cells. This suggests that distinct and redundant signaling pathways act synergistically to trigger natural cytotoxicity.

+view abstract Nature immunology, PMID: 11836527 2002

TG Mack, M Reiner, B Beirowski, W Mi, M Emanuelli, D Wagner, D Thomson, T Gillingwater, F Court, L Conforti, FS Fernando, A Tarlton, C Andressen, K Addicks, G Magni, RR Ribchester, VH Perry, MP Coleman Signalling

Axons and their synapses distal to an injury undergo rapid Wallerian degeneration, but axons in the C57BL/WldS mouse are protected. The degenerative and protective mechanisms are unknown. We identified the protective gene, which encodes an N-terminal fragment of ubiquitination factor E4B (Ube4b) fused to nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyltransferase (Nmnat), and showed that it confers a dose-dependent block of Wallerian degeneration. Transected distal axons survived for two weeks, and neuromuscular junctions were also protected. Surprisingly, the Wld protein was located predominantly in the nucleus, indicating an indirect protective mechanism. Nmnat enzyme activity, but not NAD+ content, was increased fourfold in WldS tissues. Thus, axon protection is likely to be mediated by altered ubiquitination or pyridine nucleotide metabolism.

+view abstract Nature neuroscience, PMID: 11770485 2001

Gilson P, Gaspar YM, Oxley D, Youl JJ, Bacic A Mass Spectrometry

Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) are proteoglycans secreted by plant cells that have been implicated in plant growth and development. Most AGPs cloned to date possess highly labile glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) lipid anchors. These anchors transiently attach AGPs to the plasma membrane before they are released into the cell wall following GPI anchor hydrolysis. We have isolated and partially sequenced the protein core of an AGP purified from styles of Nicotiana alata. The protein sequence data were utilised to clone the AGP's gene, NaAGP4. This AGP shares about 78% sequence identity with the tomato AGP LeAGP-1. RNA gel blot analyses of different plant organs indicate that NaAGP4 is expressed in the same tissues and at similar levels as LeAGP-1. Furthermore, NaAGP4 like LeAGP-1 is rapidly suppressed by tissue wounding and by pathogen infection. We believe NaAGP4 and LeAGP-1 are the first described examples of orthologous AGPs from different plant species. In contrast, another AGP from N. alata, NaAGP1, is comparatively unaffected by wounding and pathogen infection, although this AGP is expressed in similar tissues and at similar levels as NaAGP4.

+view abstract Protoplasma, PMID: 11732052 2001

Kendrick KM, da Costa AP, Leigh AE, Hinton MR, Peirce JW

The human brain has evolved specialized neural mechanisms for visual recognition of faces, which afford us a remarkable ability to discriminate between, remember and think about many hundreds of different individuals. Sheep also recognize and are attracted to individual sheep and humans by their faces, as they possess similar specialized neural systems in the temporal and frontal lobes for assisting in this important social task, including a greater involvement of the right brain hemisphere. Here we show that individual sheep can remember 50 other different sheep faces for over 2 years, and that the specialized neural circuits involved maintain selective encoding of individual sheep and human faces even after long periods of separation.

+view abstract Nature, PMID: 11700543

Open Access
Glassford J, Holman M, Banerji L, Clayton E, Klaus GG, Turner M, Lam EW Immunology

B lymphocytes from mice null for the Rho-family guanine-nucleotide exchange factor, Vav, are defective in their ability to proliferate in response to BCR cross-linking, but are able to proliferate normally in response to LPS. In addition, they have a depletion of CD5(+) (B1) lymphocytes and defective IgG class switching. This phenotype is reminiscent of that observed in mice null for the cell cycle regulatory protein, cyclin D2. We demonstrate here that the inability of vav(-/-) B cells to proliferate in response to BCR ligation is due to an inability to induce cyclin D2. In addition, we show that the proliferative defect of these cells occurs after the cells have entered early G1 phase. Analyses of potential down-stream signaling intermediates revealed differential activation of the stress-activated MAP kinases in the absence of Vav, normal activation of the ERK, MAPK, and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathways, and defective intracellular calcium mobilization. We further demonstrate that intracellular calcium homeostasis is required for cyclin D2 induction, implicating a possible link with the defective calcium response of vav(-/-) B cells and their inability to induce cyclin D2.

+view abstract The Journal of biological chemistry, PMID: 11546804 2001

Kendrick KM, Haupt MA, Hinton MR, Broad KD, Skinner JD

The extent to which "nurture" as opposed to "nature" determines behavior and sociosexual preferences in mammalian species is controversial although most recent interest has focused on genetic determinants. We report here that if sheep and goats are cross-fostered at birth, but raised in mixed-species groups, their play and grooming behavior resembles that of their foster rather than genetic species. There are no sex differences in effects on these behaviors, and other species-specific behavior patterns such as aggression, browsing, climbing, and vocalizations are unaffected. In adulthood, cross-fostered males strongly prefer to socialize and mate with females of their foster mother's species, even if raised with a conspecific of their own species. Castration within 2 days of birth slightly reduces the level of this altered social preference but mating preference following short-term testosterone treatment is the same as for gonadally intact animals. Cross-fostered females also show significant preference for socializing with females and mating with males of their foster mother's species, although this effect is weaker than that in both gonadally intact and castrated males. When cross-fostered animals are placed in flocks containing members of only their genetic species for 3 years, male social and mating preferences for females of their mother's species remain virtually unaffected. Females change to display an exclusive mating preference for members of their genetic species in 1-2 years although they still retain some social interest in female members of their foster species. Thus, there are clear sex differences in the impact of the emotional bond between a mother and her offspring in these mammals. Effects on males are strongest and irreversibly maintained even after altering their social environment, whereas those on females are weaker and mating preferences are clearly adaptable in the face of altered social priorities. These sex differences are presumably caused by pre-, or early postnatal, organizational effects of sex hormones on the brain.

+view abstract Hormones and behavior, PMID: 11534995

Rolstad B, Naper C, L酶vik G, Vaage JT, Ryan JC, B盲ckman-Petersson E, Kirsch RD, Butcher GW Immunology

Rat natural killer (NK) cells recognize MHC-I molecules encoded by both the classical (RT1-A) and non-classical (RT1-C/E/M) MHC class I (MHC-I) regions. We have identified a receptor, the STOK2 antigen, which belongs to the Ly-49 family of killer cell lectin-like receptors, and we have localized the gene encoding it to the rat natural killer cell gene complex. We have also shown that it inhibits NK cytotoxicity when recognizing its cognate MHC-I ligand RT1-A1c on a target cell. This is the first inhibitory Ly-49-MHC-I interaction identified in the rat and highlights the great similarity between rat and mouse Ly-49 receptors and their MHC ligands. However, the mode of rat NK-cell recognition of target cells indicates that positive recognition of allo-MHC determinants, especially those encoded by the RT1-C/E/M region, is a prevalent feature. NK cells recruited to the peritoneum as a consequence of alloimmunization display positive recognition of allodeterminants. In one case, NK cells activated in this way have been shown to be specific for the immunizing, non-classical class I molecule RT1-Eu. These findings show that allospecific NK cells sometimes show features reminiscent of the adaptive immune response.

+view abstract Immunological reviews, PMID: 11513136 2001

Open Access
He M, Taussig MJ

We describe a format for production of protein arrays termed 'protein in situ array' (PISA). A PISA is rapidly generated in one step directly from PCR-generated DNA fragments by cell-free protein expression and in situ immobilisation at a surface. The template for expression is DNA encoding individual proteins or domains, which is produced by PCR using primers designed from information in DNA databases. Coupled transcription and translation is carried out on a surface to which the tagged protein adheres as soon as it is synthesised. Because proteins generated by cell-free synthesis are usually soluble and functional, this method can overcome problems of insolubility or degradation associated with bacterial expression of recombinant proteins. Moreover, the use of PCR-generated DNA enables rapid production of proteins or domains based on genome information alone and will be particularly useful where cloned material is not available. Here we show that human single-chain antibody fragments (three domain, V(H)/K form) and an enzyme (luciferase) can be functionally arrayed by the PISA method.

+view abstract Nucleic acids research, PMID: 11470888