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LB Edelman, P Fraser

Among the most intensively studied systems in molecular biology is the eukaryotic transcriptional apparatus, which expresses genes in a regulated manner across hundreds of different cell types. Several studies over the past few years have added weight to the concept that transcription takes place within discrete 'transcription factories' assembled inside the cell nucleus. These studies apply innovative technical approaches to gain insights into the molecular constituents, dynamical behaviour and organizational regulators of transcription factories, providing exciting insights into the spatial dimension of transcriptional control.

+view abstract Current opinion in genetics & development, PMID: 22365496 2012

B Vanhaesebroeck, L Stephens, P Hawkins

Over the past two decades, our understanding of phospoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) has progressed from the identification of an enzymatic activity associated with growth factors, GPCRs and certain oncogene products to a disease target in cancer and inflammation, with PI3K inhibitors currently in clinical trials. Elucidation of PI3K-dependent networks led to the discovery of the phosphoinositide-binding PH, PX and FYVE domains as conduits of intracellular lipid signalling, the determination of the molecular function of the tumour suppressor PTEN and the identification of AKT and mTOR protein kinases as key regulators of cell growth. Here we look back at the main discoveries that shaped the PI3K field.

+view abstract Nature reviews. Molecular cell biology, PMID: 22358332 2012

M Turner, D Hodson

Lymphocyte development requires cells to progress through a series of stages, each associated with changes in gene expression. Intense effort has been invested into characterising the dynamic networks of transcription factors underlying these regulated changes. Whilst transcription factors determine the tempo at which mRNA is produced, recent results highlight the importance of the selective regulation of mRNA decay and translation in regulating gene expression. These processes are regulated by sequence-specific RNA-binding proteins (RBP) as well as noncoding RNA such as microRNAs. RNA-binding proteins are emerging as important regulators of cell fate and function in both developing and mature lymphocytes. At the molecular level the function of RNA-binding proteins is integrated with signal transduction pathways that also govern gene transcription.

+view abstract Current opinion in immunology, PMID: 22326859 2012

Open Access
L Tavares, E Dimitrova, D Oxley, J Webster, R Poot, J Demmers, K Bezstarosti, S Taylor, H Ura, H Koide, A Wutz, M Vidal, S Elderkin, N Brockdorff Epigenetics,Mass Spectrometry

Polycomb-repressive complex 1 (PRC1) has a central role in the regulation of heritable gene silencing during differentiation and development. PRC1 recruitment is generally attributed to interaction of the chromodomain of the core protein Polycomb with trimethyl histone H3K27 (H3K27me3), catalyzed by a second complex, PRC2. Unexpectedly we find that RING1B, the catalytic subunit of PRC1, and associated monoubiquitylation of histone H2A are targeted to closely overlapping sites in wild-type and PRC2-deficient mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs), demonstrating an H3K27me3-independent pathway for recruitment of PRC1 activity. We show that this pathway is mediated by RYBP-PRC1, a complex comprising catalytic subunits of PRC1 and the protein RYBP. RYBP-PRC1 is recruited to target loci in mESCs and is also involved in Xist RNA-mediated silencing, the latter suggesting a wider role in Polycomb silencing. We discuss the implications of these findings for understanding recruitment and function of Polycomb repressors.

+view abstract Cell, PMID: 22325148 2012

R Thul, S Coombes, HL Roderick, MD Bootman

In this study, we present an innovative mathematical modeling approach that allows detailed characterization of Ca(2+) movement within the three-dimensional volume of an atrial myocyte. Essential aspects of the model are the geometrically realistic representation of Ca(2+) release sites and physiological Ca(2+) flux parameters, coupled with a computationally inexpensive framework. By translating nonlinear Ca(2+) excitability into threshold dynamics, we avoid the computationally demanding time stepping of the partial differential equations that are often used to model Ca(2+) transport. Our approach successfully reproduces key features of atrial myocyte Ca(2+) signaling observed using confocal imaging. In particular, the model displays the centripetal Ca(2+) waves that occur within atrial myocytes during excitation-contraction coupling, and the effect of positive inotropic stimulation on the spatial profile of the Ca(2+) signals. Beyond this validation of the model, our simulation reveals unexpected observations about the spread of Ca(2+) within an atrial myocyte. In particular, the model describes the movement of Ca(2+) between ryanodine receptor clusters within a specific z disk of an atrial myocyte. Furthermore, we demonstrate that altering the strength of Ca(2+) release, ryanodine receptor refractoriness, the magnitude of initiating stimulus, or the introduction of stochastic Ca(2+) channel activity can cause the nucleation of proarrhythmic traveling Ca(2+) waves. The model provides clinically relevant insights into the initiation and propagation of subcellular Ca(2+) signals that are currently beyond the scope of imaging technology.

+view abstract Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, PMID: 22308396 2012

Open Access
Put S, Avau A, Humblet-Baron S, Schurgers E, Liston A, Matthys P Immunology

+view abstract Blood, PMID: 22308283 2012

Open Access
G Junion* / M Spivakov*, C Girardot, M Braun, EH Gustafson, E Birney, EE Furlong

Cell fate decisions are driven through the integration of inductive signals and tissue-specific transcription factors (TFs), although the details on how this information converges in cis remain unclear. Here, we demonstrate that the five genetic components essential for cardiac specification in Drosophila, including the effectors of Wg and Dpp signaling, act as a collective unit to cooperatively regulate heart enhancer activity, both in vivo and in vitro. Their combinatorial binding does not require any specific motif orientation or spacing, suggesting an alternative mode of enhancer function whereby cooperative activity occurs with extensive motif flexibility. A fraction of enhancers co-occupied by cardiogenic TFs had unexpected activity in the neighboring visceral mesoderm but could be rendered active in heart through single-site mutations. Given that cardiac and visceral cells are both derived from the dorsal mesoderm, this "dormant" TF binding signature may represent a molecular footprint of these cells' developmental lineage.

+view abstract Cell, PMID: 22304916 2012

F Krueger, B Kreck, A Franke, SR Andrews

Bisulfite conversion of genomic DNA combined with next-generation sequencing (BS-seq) is widely used to measure the methylation state of a whole genome, the methylome, at single-base resolution. However, analysis of BS-seq data still poses a considerable challenge. Here we summarize the challenges of BS-seq mapping as they apply to both base and color-space data. We also explore the effect of sequencing errors and contaminants on inferred methylation levels and recommend the most appropriate way to analyze this type of data.

+view abstract Nature methods, PMID: 22290186 2012

Open Access
Stefan MI, Marshall DP, Le Novère N Signalling

Activation of CaMKII by calmodulin and the subsequent maintenance of constitutive activity through autophosphorylation at threonine residue 286 (Thr286) are thought to play a major role in synaptic plasticity. One of the effects of autophosphorylation at Thr286 is to increase the apparent affinity of CaMKII for calmodulin, a phenomenon known as "calmodulin trapping". It has previously been suggested that two binding sites for calmodulin exist on CaMKII, with high and low affinities, respectively. We built structural models of calmodulin bound to both of these sites. Molecular dynamics simulation showed that while binding of calmodulin to the supposed low-affinity binding site on CaMKII is compatible with closing (and hence, inactivation) of the kinase, and could even favour it, binding to the high-affinity site is not. Stochastic simulations of a biochemical model showed that the existence of two such binding sites, one of them accessible only in the active, open conformation, would be sufficient to explain calmodulin trapping by CaMKII. We can explain the effect of CaMKII autophosphorylation at Thr286 on calmodulin trapping: It stabilises the active state and therefore makes the high-affinity binding site accessible. Crucially, a model with only one binding site where calmodulin binding and CaMKII inactivation are strictly mutually exclusive cannot reproduce calmodulin trapping. One of the predictions of our study is that calmodulin binding in itself is not sufficient for CaMKII activation, although high-affinity binding of calmodulin is.

+view abstract PloS one, PMID: 22279535 2012

Open Access
E Rainero, PT Caswell, PA Muller, J Grindlay, MW McCaffrey, Q Zhang, MJ Wakelam, KH Vousden, A Graziani, JC Norman Signalling,Lipidomics

Inhibition of αvβ3 integrin or expression of oncogenic mutants of p53 promote invasive cell migration by enhancing endosomal recycling of α5β1 integrin under control of the Rab11 effector Rab-coupling protein (RCP). In this paper, we show that diacylglycerol kinase α (DGK-α), which phosphorylates diacylglycerol to phosphatidic acid (PA), was required for RCP to be mobilized to and tethered at the tips of invasive pseudopods and to allow RCP-dependent α5β1 recycling and the resulting invasiveness of tumor cells. Expression of a constitutive-active mutant of DGK-α drove RCP-dependent invasion in the absence of mutant p53 expression or αvβ3 inhibition, and conversely, an RCP mutant lacking the PA-binding C2 domain was not capable of being tethered at pseudopod tips. These data demonstrate that generation of PA downstream of DGK-α is essential to connect expression of mutant p53s or inhibition of αvβ3 to RCP and for this Rab11 effector to drive the trafficking of α5β1 that is required for tumor cell invasion through three-dimensional matrices.

+view abstract The Journal of cell biology, PMID: 22270919 2012

M Veldhoen

+view abstract Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.), PMID: 22262170 2012

PA Lochhead, R Gilley, SJ Cook

The MEK5 [MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase)/ERK (extracellular-signal-regulated kinase) kinase 5]/ERK5 pathway is the least well studied MAPK signalling module. It has been proposed to play a role in the pathology of cancer. In the present paper, we review the role of the MEK5/ERK5 pathway using the 'hallmarks of cancer' as a framework and consider how this pathway is deregulated. As well as playing a key role in endothelial cell survival and tubular morphogenesis during tumour neovascularization, ERK5 is also emerging as a regulator of tumour cell invasion and migration. Several oncogenes can stimulate ERK5 activity, and protein levels are increased by a novel amplification at chromosome locus 17p11 and by down-regulation of the microRNAs miR-143 and miR-145. Together, these finding underscore the case for further investigation into understanding the role of ERK5 in cancer.

+view abstract Biochemical Society transactions, PMID: 22260700 2012

AS Little, K Balmanno, MJ Sale, PD Smith, SJ Cook

The Raf/MEK1/2 [mitogen-activated protein kinase/ERK (extracellular-signal-regulated kinase) kinase 1/2]/ERK1/2 signalling pathway is frequently activated in human tumours due to mutations in BRAF or KRAS. B-Raf and MEK1/2 inhibitors are currently undergoing clinical evaluation, but their ultimate success is likely to be limited by acquired drug resistance. We have used colorectal cancer cell lines harbouring mutations in B-Raf or K-Ras to model acquired resistance to the MEK1/2 inhibitor selumetinib (AZD6244). Selumetinib-resistant cells were refractory to other MEK1/2 inhibitors in cell proliferation assays and exhibited a marked increase in MEK1/2 and ERK1/2 activity and cyclin D1 abundance when assessed in the absence of inhibitor. This was driven by a common mechanism in which resistant cells exhibited an intrachromosomal amplification of their respective driving oncogene, B-Raf V600E or K-RasG13D. Despite the increased signal flux from Raf to MEK1/2, resistant cells maintained in drug actually exhibited the same level of ERK1/2 activity as parental cells, indicating that the pathway is remodelled by feedback controls to reinstate the normal level of ERK1/2 signalling that is required and sufficient to maintain proliferation in these cells. These results provide important new insights into how tumour cells adapt to new therapeutics and highlight the importance of homoeostatic control mechanisms in the Raf/MEK1/2/ERK1/2 signalling cascade.

+view abstract Biochemical Society transactions, PMID: 22260668 2012

C Andreadi, C Noble, B Patel, H Jin, MM Aguilar Hernandez, K Balmanno, SJ Cook, C Pritchard

The strength and duration of intracellular signalling pathway activation is a key determinant of the biological outcome of cells in response to extracellular cues. This has been particularly elucidated for the Ras/Raf/MEK [mitogen-activated growth factor/ERK (extracellular-signal-regulated kinase) kinase]/ERK signalling pathway with a number of studies in fibroblasts showing that sustained ERK signalling is a requirement for S-phase entry, whereas transient ERK signalling does not have this capability. A major unanswered question, however, is how a cell can sustain ERK activation, particularly when ERK-specific phosphatases are transcriptionally up-regulated by the pathway itself. A major point of ERK regulation is at the level of Raf, and, to sustain ERK activation in the presence of ERK phosphatases, sustained Raf activation is a requirement. Three Raf proteins exist in mammals, and the activity of all three is induced following growth factor stimulation of cells, but only B-Raf activity is maintained at later time points. This observation points to B-Raf as a regulator of sustained ERK activation. In the present review, we consider evidence for a link between B-Raf and sustained ERK activation, focusing on a potential role for the subcellular localization of B-Raf in this key physiological event.

+view abstract Biochemical Society transactions, PMID: 22260667 2012

NT Ktistakis, M Manifava, P Schoenfelder, S Rotondo

The simple phosphoinositide PtdIns3P has been shown to control cell growth downstream of amino acid signalling and autophagy downstream of amino acid withdrawal. These opposing effects depend in part on the existence of distinct complexes of Vps34 (vacuolar protein sorting 34), the kinase responsible for the majority of PtdIns3P synthesis in cells: one complex is activated after amino acid withdrawal to induce autophagy and another regulates mTORC1 (mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1) activation when amino acids are present. However, lipid-dependent signalling almost always exhibits a spatial dimension, related to the site of formation of the lipid signal. In the case of PtdIns3P-regulated autophagy induction, recent data suggest that PtdIns3P accumulates in a membrane compartment dynamically connected to the endoplasmic reticulum that constitutes a platform for the formation of some autophagosomes. For PtdIns3P-regulated mTORC1 activity, a spatial context is not yet known: several possibilities can be envisaged based on the known effects of PtdIns3P on the endocytic system and on recent data suggesting that activation of mTORC1 depends on its localization on lysosomes.

+view abstract Biochemical Society transactions, PMID: 22260663 2012

Sharpe HJ, de Sauvage FJ Signalling

+view abstract Nature chemical biology, PMID: 22257852 2012

Open Access
MA Barber, A Hendrickx, M Beullens, H Ceulemans, D Oxley, S Thelen, M Thelen, M Bollen, HC Welch Signalling,Mass Spectrometry

P-Rex1 is a GEF (guanine-nucleotide-exchange factor) for the small G-protein Rac that is activated by PIP3 (phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate) and Gβγ subunits and inhibited by PKA (protein kinase A). In the present study we show that PP1α (protein phosphatase 1α) binds P-Rex1 through an RVxF-type docking motif. PP1α activates P-Rex1 directly in vitro, both independently of and additively to PIP3 and Gβγ. PP1α also substantially activates P-Rex1 in vivo, both in basal and PDGF (platelet-derived growth factor)- or LPA (lysophosphatidic acid)-stimulated cells. The phosphatase activity of PP1α is required for P-Rex1 activation. PP1β, a close homologue of PP1α, is also able to activate P-Rex1, but less effectively. PP1α stimulates P-Rex1-mediated Rac-dependent changes in endothelial cell morphology. MS analysis of wild-type P-Rex1 and a PP1α-binding-deficient mutant revealed that endogenous PP1α dephosphorylates P-Rex1 on at least three residues, Ser834, Ser1001 and Ser1165. Site-directed mutagenesis of Ser1165 to alanine caused activation of P-Rex1 to a similar degree as did PP1α, confirming Ser1165 as a dephosphorylation site important in regulating P-Rex1 Rac-GEF activity. In summary, we have identified a novel mechanism for direct activation of P-Rex1 through PP1α-dependent dephosphorylation.

+view abstract The Biochemical journal, PMID: 22242915 2012

S Tomizawa, H Sasaki

Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic gene-marking phenomenon that occurs in the germline, whereby genes are expressed from only one of the two parental copies in embryos and adults. Imprinting is essential for normal mammalian development and its disruption can cause various developmental defects and diseases. The process of imprinting in the germline involves DNA methylation of the imprint control regions (ICRs), and resulting parental-specific methylation imprints are maintained in the zygote and act as the marks controlling imprinted gene expression. Recent studies in mice have revealed new factors involved in imprint establishment during gametogenesis and maintenance during early development. Clinical studies have identified cases of imprinting disorders where involvement of factors shared by multiple ICRs for establishment or maintenance is suspected. These include Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, transient neonatal diabetes, Silver-Russell syndrome and others. More severe disruptions can lead to recurrent molar pregnancy, miscarriage or infertility. Imprinting defects may also occur during assisted reproductive technology or cell reprogramming. In this review, we summarize our current knowledge on the mechanisms of imprint establishment and maintenance, and discuss the relationship with various human disorders.

+view abstract Journal of human genetics, PMID: 22237588 2012

Open Access
Tian L, De Hertogh G, Fedeli M, Staats KA, Schonefeldt S, Humblet-Baron S, Van Den Bosch L, Dellabona P, Dooley J, Liston A Immunology

With an increasing number of studies demonstrating alterations in T cell microRNA expression during autoimmune disease, modulation of the T cell microRNA network is considered a potential therapeutic strategy. Due to the complex and often opposing interactions of individual microRNA, prioritization of therapeutic targets first requires dissecting the dominant effects of the T cell microRNA network. Initial results utilizing a unidirectional screen suggested that the tolerogenic functions were dominant, with spontaneous colitis resulting from T cell-specific excision of Dicer. Here we performed a bidirectional screen for microRNA function by removing Dicer from the T cells of both wildtype mice and Transforming Growth Factor β (TGFβ) receptor-deficient mice. This allowed the impact of microRNA loss on T cell activation, effector T cell differentiation and autoimmune pathology to be systematically assessed. This bidirectional screen revealed a dominant immunogenic function for T cell microRNA, with potent suppression of T cell activation, IFNγ production and autoimmune pathology in all targeted organs except the colon, where Dicer-dependent microRNA demonstrated a dominant tolerogenic function. These results reverse the original conclusions of microRNA function in T cells by revealing a systemic pro-autoimmune function.

+view abstract Journal of autoimmunity, PMID: 22225602 2012

Open Access
Le Novère N, Hucka M, Anwar N, Bader GD, Demir E, Moodie S, Sorokin A Signalling

The Computational Modeling in Biology Network (COMBINE), is an initiative to coordinate the development of the various community standards and formats in computational systems biology and related fields. This report summarizes the activities pursued at the first annual COMBINE meeting held in Edinburgh on October 6-9 2010 and the first HARMONY hackathon, held in New York on April 18-22 2011. The first of those meetings hosted 81 attendees. Discussions covered both official COMBINE standards-(BioPAX, SBGN and SBML), as well as emerging efforts and interoperability between different formats. The second meeting, oriented towards software developers, welcomed 59 participants and witnessed many technical discussions, development of improved standards support in community software systems and conversion between the standards. Both meetings were resounding successes and showed that the field is now mature enough to develop representation formats and related standards in a coordinated manner.

+view abstract Standards in genomic sciences, PMID: 22180826 2011

Open Access
Papadopoulou AS, Dooley J, Linterman MA, Pierson W, Ucar O, Kyewski B, Zuklys S, Hollander GA, Matthys P, Gray DH, De Strooper B, Liston A Immunology

Thymic output is a dynamic process, with high activity at birth punctuated by transient periods of involution during infection. Interferon-α (IFN-α) is a critical molecular mediator of pathogen-induced thymic involution, yet despite the importance of thymic involution, relatively little is known about the molecular integrators that establish sensitivity. Here we found that the microRNA network dependent on the endoribonuclease Dicer, and specifically microRNA miR-29a, was critical for diminishing the sensitivity of the thymic epithelium to simulated infection signals, protecting the thymus against inappropriate involution. In the absence of Dicer or the miR-29a cluster in the thymic epithelium, expression of the IFN-α receptor by the thymic epithelium was higher, which allowed suboptimal signals to trigger rapid loss of thymic cellularity.

+view abstract Nature immunology, PMID: 22179202 2012

Open Access
Muranski P,Borman ZA,Kerkar SP,Klebanoff CA,Ji Y,Sanchez-Perez L,Sukumar M,Reger RN,Yu Z,Kern SJ,Roychoudhuri R,Ferreyra GA,Shen W,Durum SK,Feigenbaum L,Palmer DC,Antony PA,Chan CC,Laurence A,Danner RL,Gattinoni L,Restifo NP Immunology

Th17 cells have been described as short lived, but this view is at odds with their capacity to trigger protracted damage to normal and transformed tissues. We report that Th17 cells, despite displaying low expression of CD27 and other phenotypic markers of terminal differentiation, efficiently eradicated tumors and caused autoimmunity, were long lived, and maintained a core molecular signature resembling early memory CD8(+) cells with stem cell-like properties. In addition, we found that Th17 cells had high expression of Tcf7, a direct target of the Wnt and β-catenin signaling axis, and accumulated β-catenin, a feature observed in stem cells. In vivo, Th17 cells gave rise to Th1-like effector cell progeny and also self-renewed and persisted as IL-17A-secreting cells. Multipotency was required for Th17 cell-mediated tumor eradication because effector cells deficient in IFN-γ or IL-17A had impaired activity. Thus, Th17 cells are not always short lived and are a less-differentiated subset capable of superior persistence and functionality.

+view abstract Immunity, PMID: 22177921 2011

Open Access
MO Casanueva, A Burga, B Lehner

Mutations often have consequences that vary across individuals. Here, we show that the stimulation of a stress response can reduce mutation penetrance in Caenorhabditis elegans. Moreover, this induced mutation buffering varies across isogenic individuals because of interindividual differences in stress signaling. This variation has important consequences in wild-type animals, producing some individuals with higher stress resistance but lower reproductive fitness and other individuals with lower stress resistance and higher reproductive fitness. This may be beneficial in an unpredictable environment, acting as a "bet-hedging" strategy to diversify risk. These results illustrate how transient environmental stimuli can induce protection against mutations, how environmental responses can underlie variable mutation buffering, and how a fitness trade-off may make variation in stress signaling advantageous.

+view abstract Science (New York, N.Y.), PMID: 22174126 2012

Open Access
Waltemath D, Adams R, Bergmann FT, Hucka M, Kolpakov F, Miller AK, Moraru II, Nickerson D, Sahle S, Snoep JL, Le Novère N Signalling

The increasing use of computational simulation experiments to inform modern biological research creates new challenges to annotate, archive, share and reproduce such experiments. The recently published Minimum Information About a Simulation Experiment (MIASE) proposes a minimal set of information that should be provided to allow the reproduction of simulation experiments among users and software tools.

+view abstract BMC systems biology, PMID: 22172142 2011