
Shannon鈥檚 experience: Research Access Programme 2024

Shannon鈥檚 experience: Research Access Programme 2024

Shannon鈥檚 experience: Research Access Programme 2024

About me

I am Shannon and I have just finished my third year my biomedical science degree at Warwick University. Ahead of my integrated masters year next year, I really wanted to gain some extra lab experience and I liked the Institute's focus on healthy ageing.

What is the aim of your placement project?

The aim of my project is to add a histidine tag to a pre-designed Tr-TUBE to allow us to detect where polyubiquitination happens in both young and senescent cells, so we can hopefully learn more about why it occurs.

What was it like to arrive on day one? What did you expect?

It was quite nerve wracking, because I didn't know who else would be doing the placement, but I liked how everything about the arrival process was emailed to us prior to coming! It made the experience less scary. But everyone has been extremely welcoming.

What have you enjoyed the most?

I have enjoyed becoming more confident and independent as the project has progressed. I have enjoyed working within the lab as well as spending my summer doing science!

What have you learnt, a skill, some knowledge, a mindset, about yourself?

I have learnt that I am able to adapt quite well to new situations. Lab work sometimes has been quite testing, such as when reactions do not work, I have learnt that I am resilient and very determined to get things right. Additionally, I have learnt so many new lab skills transformations, restriction digests, minipreps, band excision, gel extraction, and more!

Was there anything you found difficult? How did you approach it?

I found the initial moving to Cambridge quite difficult. Moving away from all of my friends and family when this is my summer to spend at home is strange, but I have overcome any homesickness or loneliness by having my boyfriend and friends visit, lots of facetimes, and keeping my weekends busy!

Shannon Blay

Who has supported you in your projects or with the day to day?

Everyone in my lab, and even in neighbouring labs, have been so willing to help and drop everything to do so. In particular I have worked closely with Madel Tutor who has been super helpful and has never made me feel like a burden.

Did anything defy your expectations?

Since I had limited lab experience coming into this almost everything has defied my expectations! I have really enjoyed the working environment as it is more relaxed than I expected, which helped me ease into the work. Also, I was surprised by how big the campus was!

What did you get up to outside the lab? What were the highlights?

Outside of the lab, I have really enjoyed exploring Cambridge. Particularly I have enjoyed the scenery! There are a lot of beautiful spaces! When my friends have visited me, we have eaten at some great restaurants, like La Mimosa and Novi, and I have discovered my new favourite bookstore!

How has this placement helped you? Will you do anything differently? What is your next step?

I have learned so many valuable skills within the lab. I also feel like I have learnt a lot by asking people about their careers. Moving forward, I'll try to not panic about my next steps since I have seen how there are different people have reached this point and often, their stories are unique.