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N Juty, C Laibe, NL Novère

The aim of this chapter is to provide sufficient information to enable a reader, new to the subject of Systems Biology, to create and use effectively controlled annotations, using resolvable Identifiers.org Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs). The text details the underlying requirements that have led to the development of such an identification scheme and infrastructure, the principles that underpin its syntax and the benefits derived through its use. It also places into context the relationship with other standardization efforts, how it differs from other pre-existing identification schemes, recent improvements to the system, as well as those that are planned in the future. Throughout, the reader is provided with explicit examples of use and directed to supplementary information where necessary.

+view abstract Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), PMID: 23715988 2013

SM Keating, N Le Novère

This chapter describes the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) from its origins. It describes the rationale behind and importance of having a common language when it comes to representing models. This chapter mentions the development of SBML and outlines the structure of an SBML model. It provides a section on libSBML, a useful application programming interface (API) library for reading, writing, manipulating and validating content expressed in the SBML format. Finally the chapter also provides a description of the SBML Toolbox which provides a means of facilitating the import and export of SBML from both MATLAB and Octave ( http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/) environments.

+view abstract Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), PMID: 23715987 2013

V Chelliah, C Laibe, N Le Novère

BioModels Database is a public online resource that allows storing and sharing of published, peer-reviewed quantitative, dynamic models of biological processes. The model components and behaviour are thoroughly checked to correspond the original publication and manually curated to ensure reliability. Furthermore, the model elements are annotated with terms from controlled vocabularies as well as linked to relevant external data resources. This greatly helps in model interpretation and reuse. Models are stored in SBML format, accepted in SBML and CellML formats, and are available for download in various other common formats such as BioPAX, Octave, SciLab, VCML, XPP and PDF, in addition to SBML. The reaction network diagram of the models is also available in several formats. BioModels Database features a search engine, which provides simple and more advanced searches. Features such as online simulation and creation of smaller models (submodels) from the selected model elements of a larger one are provided. BioModels Database can be accessed both via a web interface and programmatically via web services. New models are available in BioModels Database at regular releases, about every 4 months.

+view abstract Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), PMID: 23715986 2013

N Le Novère, L Endler

Chemical kinetics is the study of the rate of reactions transforming some chemical entities into other chemical entities. Over the twentieth century it has become one of the cornerstones of biochemistry. When in the second half of the century basic knowledge of cellular processes became sufficient to understand quantitatively metabolic networks, chemical kinetics associated with systems theory led to the development of what would become an important branch of systems biology. In this chapter we introduce basic concepts of chemical and enzyme kinetics, and show how the temporal evolution of a reaction system can be described by ordinary differential equations. Finally we present a method to apply this type of approach to model any regulatory network.

+view abstract Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), PMID: 23715984 2013

Voigt P, Reinberg D Epigenetics

Two new studies show that the known histone H3 alteration p.Lys27Met in pediatric glioma leads to globally diminished trimethylation at histone H3 lysine 27. The mutant histone H3 acts as a selective inhibitor of the PRC2 chromatin-modifying complex by binding and presumably sequestering it, shedding light on how this variant may contribute to the etiology of these highly malignant brain tumors.

+view abstract Nature genetics, PMID: 23715325

Open Access
CE Lowe, Q Zhang, RJ Dennis, EM Aubry, S O'Rahilly, MJ Wakelam, JJ Rochford Signalling,Lipidomics

OBJECTIVE: Decreased expression of diacylglycerol kinase delta (DGKδ) has been linked to insulin resistance in humans and mice and it is abundantly expressed in adipose tissue. Therefore, its role in adipogenesis was examined. DESIGN AND METHODS: 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes were generated in which DGKδ expression had been knocked down and the effect of this on adipogenesis was determined. Lipidomic analyses were performed to determine levels of the DGKδ product phosphatidic acid (PA), its substrate diacylglycerol (DAG) and triglyceride (TG). RESULTS: Inhibiting DGKδ expression prevents adipogenesis. DGKδ knockdown in differentiating adipocytes blunted the increase in total levels of PA and DAG but did not affect the early rise in TG levels. DAG or PA species acting as TG precursors were only modestly reduced by DGKδ knockdown which significantly impaired the accumulation of DAG or PA species implicated in intracellular signaling. The DAG activated kinase PKCδ was also stimulated in DGKδ knockdown cells, despite no increase in detectable species of DAG. CONCLUSIONS: DGKδ is a novel regulator of adipogenesis and phosphorylates a quantitatively small pool of signaling DAG important for differentiation and indirectly affects overall levels of signaling DAG and PA species distinct from those acting as precursors for TG synthesis.

+view abstract Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.), PMID: 23703849 2013

Open Access
Conte N, Varela I, Grove C, Manes N, Yusa K, Moreno T, Segonds-Pichon A, Bench A, Gudgin E, Herman B, Bolli N, Ellis P, Haddad D, Costeas P, Rad R, Scott M, Huntly B, Bradley A, Vassiliou GS Bioinformatics

Advances in sequencing technologies are giving unprecedented insights into the spectrum of somatic mutations underlying acute myeloid leukaemia with a normal karyotype (AML-NK). It is clear that the prognosis of individual patients is strongly influenced by the combination of mutations in their leukaemia and that many leukaemias are composed of multiple subclones, with differential susceptibilities to treatment. Here, we describe a method, employing targeted capture coupled with next-generation sequencing and tailored bioinformatic analysis, for the simultaneous study of 24 genes recurrently mutated in AML-NK. Mutational analysis was performed using open source software and an in-house script (Mutation Identification and Analysis Software), which identified dominant clone mutations with 100% specificity. In each of seven cases of AML-NK studied, we identified and verified mutations in 2-4 genes in the main leukaemic clone. Additionally, high sequencing depth enabled us to identify putative subclonal mutations and detect leukaemia-specific mutations in DNA from remission marrow. Finally, we used normalised read depths to detect copy number changes and identified and subsequently verified a tandem duplication of exons 2-9 of MLL and at least one deletion involving PTEN. This methodology reliably detects sequence and copy number mutations, and can thus greatly facilitate the classification, clinical research, diagnosis and management of AML-NK.

+view abstract Leukemia, PMID: 23702683 2013

A Tingare, B Thienpont, HL Roderick

Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying cardiac development and growth has been a longstanding goal for developing therapies for cardiovascular disorders. The heart adapts to a rise in its required output by an increase in muscle mass and alteration in the expression of a large number of genes. However, persistent stress diminishes the plasticity of the heart, consequently resulting in its maladaptive growth, termed pathological hypertrophy. Recent developments suggest that the concomitant genome-wide remodelling of the gene expression programme is largely driven through epigenetic mechanisms such as post-translational histone modifications and DNA methylation. In the last few years, the distinct functions of histone modifications and of the enzymes catalysing their formation have begun to be elucidated in processes important for cardiac development, disease and cardiomyocyte proliferation. The present review explores how repressive histone modifications, in particular methylation of H3K9 (histone H3 Lys9), govern aspects of cardiac biology.

+view abstract Biochemical Society transactions, PMID: 23697939 2013

Open Access
Danso-Abeam D, Zhang J, Dooley J, Staats KA, Van Eyck L, Van Brussel T, Zaman S, Hauben E, Van de Velde M, Morren MA, Renard M, Van Geet C, Schaballie H, Lambrechts D, Tao J, Franckaert D, Humblet-Baron S, Meyts I, Liston A Immunology

Olmsted syndrome is a rare congenital skin disorder presenting with periorifical hyperkeratotic lesions and mutilating palmoplantar keratoderma, which is often associated with infections of the keratotic area. A recent study identified de novo mutations causing constitutive activation of TRPV3 as a cause of the keratotic manifestations of Olmsted syndrome.

+view abstract Orphanet journal of rare diseases, PMID: 23692804 2013

Open Access
JM Foster, P Moreno, A Fabregat, H Hermjakob, C Steinbeck, R Apweiler, MJ Wakelam, JA Vizcaíno

Protein sequence databases are the pillar upon which modern proteomics is supported, representing a stable reference space of predicted and validated proteins. One example of such resources is UniProt, enriched with both expertly curated and automatic annotations. Taken largely for granted, similar mature resources such as UniProt are not available yet in some other "omics" fields, lipidomics being one of them. While having a seasoned community of wet lab scientists, lipidomics lies significantly behind proteomics in the adoption of data standards and other core bioinformatics concepts. This work aims to reduce the gap by developing an equivalent resource to UniProt called 'LipidHome', providing theoretically generated lipid molecules and useful metadata. Using the 'FASTLipid' Java library, a database was populated with theoretical lipids, generated from a set of community agreed upon chemical bounds. In parallel, a web application was developed to present the information and provide computational access via a web service. Designed specifically to accommodate high throughput mass spectrometry based approaches, lipids are organised into a hierarchy that reflects the variety in the structural resolution of lipid identifications. Additionally, cross-references to other lipid related resources and papers that cite specific lipids were used to annotate lipid records. The web application encompasses a browser for viewing lipid records and a 'tools' section where an MS1 search engine is currently implemented. LipidHome can be accessed at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/apweiler-srv/lipidhome.

+view abstract PloS one, PMID: 23667450 2013

Open Access
Doolittle WF, Fraser P, Gerstein MB, Graveley BR, Henikoff S, Huttenhower C, Oshlack A, Ponting CP, Rinn JL, Schatz MC, Ule J, Weigel D, Weinstock GM

Sixty years after Watson and Crick published the double helix model of DNA's structure, thirteen members of Genome Biology's Editorial Board select key advances in the field of genome biology subsequent to that discovery.

+view abstract Genome biology, PMID: 23651518 2013

Open Access
MJ Sale, SJ Cook

Oncogenic mutations in RAS or BRAF can drive the inappropriate activation of the ERK1/2. In many cases, tumour cells adapt to become addicted to this deregulated ERK1/2 signalling for their proliferation, providing a therapeutic window for tumour-selective growth inhibition. As a result, inhibition of ERK1/2 signalling by BRAF or MEK1/2 inhibitors is an attractive therapeutic strategy. Indeed, the first BRAF inhibitor, vemurafenib, has now been approved for clinical use, while clinical evaluation of MEK1/2 inhibitors is at an advanced stage. Despite this progress, it is apparent that tumour cells adapt quickly to these new targeted agents so that tumours with acquired resistance can emerge within 6-9 months of primary treatment. One of the major reasons for this is that tumour cells typically respond to BRAF or MEK1/2 inhibitors by undergoing a G1 cell cycle arrest rather than dying. Indeed, although inhibition of ERK1/2 invariably increases the expression of pro-apoptotic BCL2 family proteins, tumour cells undergo minimal apoptosis. This cytostatic response may simply provide the cell with the opportunity to adapt and acquire resistance. Here we discuss recent studies that demonstrate that combination of BRAF or MEK1/2 inhibitors with inhibitors of pro-survival BCL2 proteins is synthetic lethal for ERK1/2-addicted tumour cells. This combination effectively transforms the cytostatic response of BRAF and MEK1/2 inhibitors into a striking apoptotic cell death response. This not only augments the primary efficacy of BRAF and MEK1/2 inhibitors but delays the onset of acquired resistance to these agents, validating their combination in the clinic.

+view abstract British journal of pharmacology, PMID: 23647573 2013

Open Access
Raddatz G, Guzzardo PM, Olova N, Fantappié MR, Rampp M, Schaefer M, Reik W, Hannon GJ, Lyko F Epigenetics

Several organisms have retained methyltransferase 2 (Dnmt2) as their only candidate DNA methyltransferase gene. However, information about Dnmt2-dependent methylation patterns has been limited to a few isolated loci and the results have been discussed controversially. In addition, recent studies have shown that Dnmt2 functions as a tRNA methyltransferase, which raised the possibility that Dnmt2-only genomes might be unmethylated. We have now used whole-genome bisulfite sequencing to analyze the methylomes of Dnmt2-only organisms at single-base resolution. Our results show that the genomes of Schistosoma mansoni and Drosophila melanogaster lack detectable DNA methylation patterns. Residual unconverted cytosine residues shared many attributes with bisulfite deamination artifacts and were observed at comparable levels in Dnmt2-deficient flies. Furthermore, genetically modified Dnmt2-only mouse embryonic stem cells lost the DNA methylation patterns found in wild-type cells. Our results thus uncover fundamental differences among animal methylomes and suggest that DNA methylation is dispensable for a considerable number of eukaryotic organisms.

+view abstract Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, PMID: 23641003 2013

Open Access
Y Yang, M Coleman, L Zhang, X Zheng, Z Yue Signalling

Degeneration of axons and dendrites is a common and early pathological feature of many neurodegenerative disorders, and is thought to be regulated by mechanisms distinct from those determining death of the cell body. The unique structures of axons and dendrites (collectively neurites) may cause them to be particularly vulnerable to the accumulation of protein aggregates and damaged organelles. Autophagy is a catabolic mechanism in which cells clear protein aggregates and damaged organelles. Basal autophagy occurs continuously as a housekeeping function, and can be acutely expanded in response to stress or injury. Emerging evidence shows that insufficient or excessive autophagy contributes to neuritic degeneration. Here, we review the recent progress that has begun to reveal the role of autophagy in neurite function and degeneration.

+view abstract Trends in neurosciences, PMID: 23639383 2013

Open Access
S Milde, J Gilley, MP Coleman Signalling

Axons require a constant supply of the labile axon survival factor Nmnat2 from their cell bodies to avoid spontaneous axon degeneration. Here we investigate the mechanism of fast axonal transport of Nmnat2 and its site of action for axon maintenance. Using dual-colour live-cell imaging of axonal transport in SCG primary culture neurons, we find that Nmnat2 is bidirectionally trafficked in axons together with markers of the trans-Golgi network and synaptic vesicles. In contrast, there is little co-migration with mitochondria, lysosomes, and active zone precursor vesicles. Residues encoded by the small, centrally located exon 6 are necessary and sufficient for stable membrane association and vesicular axonal transport of Nmnat2. Within this sequence, a double cysteine palmitoylation motif shared with GAP43 and surrounding basic residues are all required for efficient palmitoylation and stable association with axonal transport vesicles. Interestingly, however, disrupting this membrane association increases the ability of axonally localized Nmnat2 to preserve transected neurites in primary culture, while re-targeting the strongly protective cytosolic mutants back to membranes abolishes this increase. Larger deletions within the central domain including exon 6 further enhance Nmnat2 axon protective capacity to levels that exceed that of the slow Wallerian degeneration protein, Wld(S). The mechanism underlying the increase in axon protection appears to involve an increased half-life of the cytosolic forms, suggesting a role for palmitoylation and membrane attachment in Nmnat2 turnover. We conclude that Nmnat2 activity supports axon survival through a site of action distinct from Nmnat2 transport vesicles and that protein stability, a key determinant of axon protection, is enhanced by mutations that disrupt palmitoylation and dissociate Nmnat2 from these vesicles.

+view abstract PLoS biology, PMID: 23610559 2013

Langie SA, Achterfeldt S, Gorniak JP, Halley-Hogg KJ, Oxley D, van Schooten FJ, Godschalk RW, McKay JA, Mathers JC Mass Spectrometry

The mechanisms through which environmental and dietary factors modulate DNA repair are still unclear but may include dysregulation of gene expression due to altered epigenetic markings. In a mouse model, we investigated the effect of maternal folate depletion during pregnancy and lactation, and high-fat feeding from weaning, on base excision repair (BER) and DNA methylation and expression of selected BER-related genes in the brain of adult offspring. While folate depletion did not affect BER activity of the mothers, BER increased in the offspring at weaning (P=0.052). In the long term, as observed in 6-mo-old offspring, the double insult, i.e., maternal low-folate supply and high-fat feeding from weaning, decreased BER activity significantly in the cortex, cerebellum, hippocampus, and subcortical regions (P≤0.017). This fall in BER activity was associated with small changes in methylation or expression of BER-related genes. Maternal folate depletion led to slightly increased oxidative DNA damage levels in subcortical regions of adult offspring, which may increase sensitivity to oxidative stress and predispose to neurological disorders. In summary, our data suggest that low-folate supply during early life may leave an epigenetic mark that can predispose the offspring to further dietary insults, causing adverse effects during adult life.

+view abstract FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, PMID: 23603834 2013

Open Access
DT Gracias, E Stelekati, JL Hope, AC Boesteanu, TA Doering, J Norton, YM Mueller, JA Fraietta, EJ Wherry, M Turner, PD Katsikis

We found upregulation of expression of the microRNA miR-155 in primary effector and effector memory CD8(+) T cells, but low miR-155 expression in naive and central memory cells. Antiviral CD8(+) T cell responses and viral clearance were impaired in miR-155-deficient mice, and this defect was intrinsic to CD8(+) T cells, as miR-155-deficient CD8(+) T cells mounted greatly diminished primary and memory responses. Conversely, miR-155 overexpression augmented antiviral CD8(+) T cell responses in vivo. Gene-expression profiling showed that miR-155-deficient CD8(+) T cells had enhanced type I interferon signaling and were more susceptible to interferon's antiproliferative effect. Inhibition of the type I interferon-associated transcription factors STAT1 or IRF7 resulted in enhanced responses of miR-155-deficient CD8(+) T cells in vivo. We have thus identified a previously unknown role for miR-155 in regulating responsiveness to interferon and CD8(+) T cell responses to pathogens in vivo.

+view abstract Nature immunology, PMID: 23603793 2013

Brien P, Pugazhendhi D, Woodhouse S, Oxley D, Pell JM Signalling,Mass Spectrometry

Stem cell function is essential for the maintenance of adult tissue homeostasis. Controlling the balance between self-renewal and differentiation is crucial to maintain a receptive satellite cell pool capable of responding to growth and regeneration cues. The mitogen-activated protein kinase p38α has been implicated in the regulation of these processes but its influence in adult muscle remains unknown. Using conditional satellite cell p38α knockout mice we have demonstrated that p38α restricts excess proliferation in the postnatal growth phase while promoting timely myoblast differentiation. Differentiation was still able to occur in the p38α-null satellite cells, however, but was delayed. An absence of p38α resulted in a postnatal growth defect along with the persistence of an increased reservoir of satellite cells into adulthood. This population was still capable of responding to cardiotoxin-induced injury, resulting in complete, albeit delayed, regeneration, with further enhancement of the satellite cell population. Increased p38γ phosphorylation accompanied the absence of p38α, and inhibition of p38γ ex vivo substantially decreased the myogenic defect. We have used genome-wide transcriptome analysis to characterize the changes in expression that occur between resting and regenerating muscle, and the influence p38α has on these expression profiles. This study provides novel evidence for the fundamental role of p38α in adult muscle homeostasis in vivo.

+view abstract Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio), PMID: 23592450 2013

Open Access
Ucar O, Tykocinski LO, Dooley J, Liston A, Kyewski B Immunology

The establishment and maintenance of central tolerance depends to a large extent on the ability of medullary thymic epithelial cells to express a variety of tissue-restricted antigens, the so-called promiscuous gene [removed]pGE). Autoimmune regulator (Aire) is to date the best characterised transcriptional regulator known to at least partially coordinate pGE. There is accruing evidence that the expression of Aire-dependent and -independent genes is modulated by higher order chromatin configuration, epigenetic modifications and post-transcriptional control. Given the involvement of microRNAs (miRNAs) as potent post-transcriptional modulators of gene expression, we investigated their role in the regulation of pGE in purified mouse and human thymic epithelial cells (TECs). Microarray profiling of TEC subpopulations revealed evolutionarily conserved cell type and differentiation-specific miRNA signatures with a subset of miRNAs being significantly upregulated during terminal medullary thymic epithelial cell differentiation. The differential regulation of this subset of miRNAs was correlated with Aire expression and some of these miRNAs were misexpressed in the Aire knockout thymus. In turn, the specific absence of miRNAs in TECs resulted in a progressive reduction of Aire expression and pGE, affecting both Aire-dependent and -independent genes. In contrast, the absence of miR-29a only affected the Aire-dependent gene pool. These findings reveal a mutual interdependence of miRNA and Aire.

+view abstract European journal of immunology, PMID: 23589212 2013

Open Access
N Juty, N Le Novère, H Hermjakob, C Laibe Signalling

The MIRIAM Registry (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/miriam/) records information about collections of data in the life sciences, as well as where it can be obtained. This information is used, in combination with the resolving infrastructure of Identifiers.org (http://identifiers.org/), to generate globally unique identifiers, in the form of Uniform Resource Identifier. These identifiers are now widely used to provide perennial cross-references and annotations. The growing demand for these identifiers results in a significant increase in curational efforts to maintain the underlying registry. This requires the design and implementation of an economically viable and sustainable solution able to cope with such expansion. We briefly describe the Registry, the current curation duties entailed, and our plans to extend and distribute this workload through collaborative and community efforts.

+view abstract Database : the journal of biological databases and curation, PMID: 23584831 2013

Open Access
K Okkenhaug Immunology

Mammalian cells can express up to four different class I phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) isoforms, each of which is engaged by tyrosine kinases or G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) to generate the second messenger signaling molecule PtdIns(3,4,5)P₃ (PIP₃). The p110α and p110β isoforms are relatively widely expressed, whereas p110γ and p110δ are more highly expressed in cells of the immune system than in other cell types. Nevertheless, each of the four class I PI3Ks have been shown to participate in the orchestration of the signaling events that lead to immune cell development and control of gene expression, skewing toward individual cell lineage subsets and proliferation.

+view abstract Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, PMID: 23551098 2013

Vigorito E, Kohlhaas S, Lu D, Leyland R Signalling

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a newly recognized class of regulatory genes which repress the expression of protein-coding genes. Numerous studies have uncovered a complex role for miRNAs regulating many aspects of a variety of cellular processes including cell growth, differentiation, and lineage commitment. In the immune system, miR-155 is unique in its ability to shape the transcriptome of activated myeloid and lymphoid cells controlling diverse biological functions ranging from inflammation to immunological memory. Not surprisingly, a tight control of miR-155 expression is required to avoid malignant transformation, as evidenced by miR-155 overexpression in many cancers of B-cell origin. In this review, we discuss the potential of miR-155 as a molecular target for therapeutic intervention and discuss the function of miR-155 in the context of protective immunity. We first look back into the emergence of miR-155 in evolution, which is coincidental with the emergence of the ancestors of the antigen receptors. We then summarize what we have learned about the role of miR-155 in the regulation of lymphoid subsets at the cellular and molecular level in the context of recent progress in this field.

+view abstract Immunological reviews, PMID: 23550644 2013

Dooley J, Linterman MA, Liston A Immunology

MicroRNAs are short, 19-24 nucleotide long, RNA molecules capable of regulating the longevity and, to a lesser extent, translation of messenger RNA (mRNA) species. The function of the microRNA network, and indeed, even that of individual microRNA species, can have profoundly different roles in even a single cell type as the microRNA/mRNA composition evolves. As the role of microRNA within T cells has come under increasing scrutiny, several distinct checkpoints have been demonstrated to have a particular reliance on microRNA regulation. MicroRNAs are arguably most important in T cells during the earliest and last stages in T-cell biology. The first stages of early thymic differentiation have a crucial reliance on the microRNA network, while later stages and peripheral homeostasis are largely, although not completely, microRNA-independent. The most profound effects on T cells are in the activation of effector and regulatory functions of conventional and regulatory T cells, where microRNA deficiency results in a near-complete loss of function. In this review, we focus on integrating the research on individual microRNA into a more global understanding of the function of the microRNA regulatory network in T cells.

+view abstract Immunological reviews, PMID: 23550638 2013

Open Access
G Liebisch, JA Vizcaíno, H Köfeler, M Trötzmüller, WJ Griffiths, G Schmitz, F Spener, MJ Wakelam

There is a need for a standardized, practical annotation for structures of lipid species derived from mass spectrometric approaches; i.e., for high-throughput data obtained from instruments operating in either high- or low-resolution modes. This proposal is based on common, officially accepted terms and builds upon the LIPID MAPS terminology. It aims to add defined levels of information below the LIPID MAPS nomenclature, as detailed chemical structures, including stereochemistry, are usually not automatically provided by mass spectrometric analysis. To this end, rules for lipid species annotation were developed that reflect the structural information derived from the analysis. For example, commonly used head group-specific analysis of glycerophospholipids (GP) by low-resolution instruments is neither capable of differentiating the fatty acids linked to the glycerol backbone nor able to define their bond type (ester, alkyl-, or alk-1-enyl-ether). This and other missing structural information is covered by the proposed shorthand notation presented here. Beyond GPs, we provide shorthand notation for fatty acids/acyls (FA), glycerolipids (GL), sphingolipids (SP), and sterols (ST). In summary, this defined shorthand nomenclature provides a standard methodology for reporting lipid species from mass spectrometric analysis and for constructing databases.

+view abstract Journal of lipid research, PMID: 23549332 2013